Sailing my Impulse dinghy on Albert Park Lake – Photo courtesy Tim Falkiner
This website shows some of my marine paintings, as well as information on many of the lengthy voyages of the historic cruising yachts, so you can share some of the history and challenges faced by these adventuresome sailors. Also included is a section with some non maritime paintings.
About the Artist
I have been involved with boats for most of my life including sailing dinghies, keel boats and tall ships, and experienced many sea conditions from calm and tranquil waters with beautiful sunsets, to gale conditions with wild and raging seas, way beyond land. These experiences have helped me understand the challenges of accurately portraying marine subjects.
I have been painting pictures of sailing craft, and particularly the early classic yachts, for over 35 years with the particular challenge of converting scenes, from descriptions in sailing books, into oil, water colour or acrylic paintings. A particular theme that I enjoy, is the classic small cruising yachts that ventured thousands of miles across the oceans, before the advent of all the modern technology, with owners who either sailed solo or with a minimal crew.
Besides the classic yachts I enjoy painting many other maritime subjects as shown in the various gallery pages, as well as some non marine subjects with a small selection included on this site.
I mainly exhibit in local and national exhibitions with any current exhibitions shown on the Exhibition page.
I am an exhibiting member of the following art societies:
Australian Society of Marine Artists – FASMA. Website
Australian Guild of Realist Artists
Victorian Artists Society
Any additional information on the history, or whereabouts of the yachts or crew of the vessels depicted is always welcome – please email me at